
What do tuna eat?

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Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

The Atlantic bluefin tuna is one of the largest, fastest, and most gorgeously colored of all the world’s fishes. Their torpedo-shaped, streamlined bodies are built for speed and endurance. Their coloring—metallic blue on top and shimmering silver-white …


What do great white sharks eat?

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Great White Shark’s Diet

Always on the lookout for a meal, great white sharks will take a bite out of just about anything in their environment they perceives as a potential meal. The first bite assesses the energy value of …


What do salmon eat?

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Fun Facts About Amazing Atlantic Salmon

An endangered species, Atlantic salmon are now being raised in hatcheries and outfitted with satellite tags to keep track of their migration patterns.

  • What’s the difference between Atlantic and Pacific Salmon?
  • Where do Atlantic

What do seahorses eat?

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The oddly shaped and upright-swimming seahorse seems an unlikely fish. Yet more than 45 species live in coastal waters around the globe. Scientists have learned their basic biology, but much remains unknown about these charismatic animals.

Its head may …


What do clown fish eat?

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What do clown fish eat?

Before you add any fish to your aquarium, it’s important to consider the diet of the species you’re interested in. After all, some fish don’t eat as readily as others or have more complicated diets,


What do catfish eat?

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What Do Catfish Eat?

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Catfish are common fish species that are found in most parts of the world and there are over 3,000 subspecies. They are called catfish because of their …